Manhattan Associates - SMC

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Manhattan Associates

About Manhattan Associates

When an enterprise is active and able to compete in a world that prioritises prices, product availability and speed, it has a competitive edge. It need not start from scratch when it’s time to deploy a new approach, iterate a process to make it more efficient or adapt when it finds itself among new competitors. In retail, customers have ubiquitous access to products online with virtually limitless choices; many of today’s shoppers fuse together in-store and online shopping experiences. While traditional bricks-and-mortar retailers are experiencing competitive threats from pure-play digital sellers, modern shoppers are proving through their actions that online doesn’t serve all of their needs. Indeed, digital-only merchants are experimenting with physical stores, and physical retailers are experimenting with new store formats and improved digital capabilities. Physical and e-commerce retailers alike are striving to offer distinctive selling and engagement experiences to their customers.

Find out if this is the right implementer for me


  • Fashion Retail
  • Grocery, Food & Beverage
  • Manufacturing
  • Medical and Pharmaceutical
  • Retail
  • Third-Party Logistics (3PL)
  • Wholesale


  • Adidas
  • Coles
  • Cotton On
  • Country Road Group
  • DHL
  • eStore Logistics
  • Gazal
  • Lacoste
  • My Chemist
  • Target
  • Westrac
