Pulse - SMC

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1800 762 269 AU | +64 9870 8918 NZ


About Pulse

PULSE … Because you want a supply chain management (SCM) solution provider who’ll be around to support your systems into the future.
In a world where too many solution providers seem to be coming and going, PULSE has remained a highly stable entity. An important quality, we believe, that guarantees clients an uninterrupted level of commitment and support for the extended life of their ‘business critical’ IT applications. It’s equally a difference that contributes to a positive return on investment and the minimization of risk. Simply because users can be confident that the people who sell them a system will be the same people who will implement it and then help nurture it well into the future.

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  • Miscellaneous


  • Acer
  • Angus & Coote
  • Burson Automotive
  • Essential Warehousing
  • Merck
  • National Pharmacies
  • Philmac
  • Tafe SA
  • Transocean World Transport
  • Zuellig Pharma